venerdì 25 maggio 2018

The enigma of all parents: Will it be male or female?

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At least once all parents have asked themselves this question: Will it be male or female?

Discovering the sex of the unborn child is not always easy. The ultrasound wrapped can not detect the sex of the child because it is behind or because it has a position that does not allow you to see if it is a boy or a girl. So wait until the day of birth. Or the future parents can rely on the ancient sayings: "Flat belly prepares the hoe, pointy belly prepares the spindle". Or check the position of the belly. A lower position would state that it is a male a higher belly position indicates that it is a female. However, these methods are superficial and are the result of the experience of breeders of the past, certainly will not give a certainty of 100%. Today there is a new way to predict if it is a child or a girl is called the Chinese gender chart, but people use numerous names to refer to it.

What Is A Chinese Gender Predictor?

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Let's see step by step what it is. First of all, it is an ancient instrument used by the Chinese to predict and predetermine the sex of the conceived child. History indicates that it was discovered in Taiwan in the 1970s, but the Ching dynasty in China used it 700 years ago. It is included in Tung Shing, the Chinese farmer's Almanac. This is a table consisting of 28 rows and 12 columns. The columns and rows refer to the Chinese lunar calendar. On the lines we have the twelve months of the year (January, February, March, April, May, June, August, September, October, November and December) that represents the month in which the woman in question becomes pregnant and on the columns we have the age of the mother at the moment of conception. The chart is therefore based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Inside the table we have the letters B in light blue to indicate that it will be a boy and the letters G in pink to indicate that it will be a girl.

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Values ​​in boxes have different representations depending on the chart you are using. Three are the main ones include:
Initials: B letters for boy and G for girl
Colors: pink for the girl and blue for the boy
Images: the head of a child or a child

As I have repeatedly said, this table refers to the Chinese lunar calendar and not to the Gregorian calendar that we commonly use. Since it was obtained in China many years ago, the calendar used by the Chinese at the time was very different from the form of the Gregorian calendar currently used by us.

The Chinese calendar is still in use today for traditional activities. It is a "lunisolar calendar" because the dates also show the positions of the phases of the sun and the moon. So, the months are actually "lunar months" and not what we are used to. In the Chinese calendar, therefore, the name "lunar age" does not correspond to the calculation of the normal age. The lunar months of the Chinese calendar vary in duration and when they start and end even from one year to the next.

1993: the first lunar month lasted 29 days. It lasted from 23 January to 20 February of the same year.
2015: had 29 days, from February 19 to March 19 of the same year.
2016: here, the first month had 30 days, and lasted from 8 February to 8 March of the same year.

Let's take an example to better explain the concept.

Let's take a lunar year that falls within the Gregorian calendar of 2016. It started from 8 February 2016 to 27 January 2017. If you were born on 2 February 1976, your moon age is 42, while the standard calculation shows that by 2017 your age is 40 years.

The table shows when you should conceive depending on the sex of the baby you want to have and not when you should give birth. The lunar months show the mother when to become pregnant in relation to her age and the sex in which she wants the baby to fall. So, women who use this table should know that it shows them the perfect moment for conception.

Obviously it is a fun method, but has no scientific significance. what counts above all and for all that your child is born strong and healthy that it is female or male.

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